jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Level 1. Unit 4 - What are you doing?

Level 1 World Link unit 4

Level 1 S331

Ana Vivolo http://anavivolo.blogspot.com/
Luis Granadillo http://luisgranadillov.blogspot.com/
Maria Paz  http://mariacarolinapazocando.blogspot.com 
Lauris Fernandez http://laurisfernandezavila.blogspot.com/
Fabiola Sardi http://fabiolasardi.blogspot.com/
Elizabeth Carruyo http://elizabethcarruyo.blogspot.com/
Geovanna Pinzón http://geovannapinzon.blogspot.com/
Maria Fernanda Gonzalez http://mariafgonzalezg.blogspot.com/
Eliaines Matos http://eliainesm.blogspot.com/
Paola Guerere http://paolaguerere18.blogspot.com/
Eliaines Matos http://eliainesm.blogspot.com/
Marysabel Nava http://marysabelnava.blogspot.com/
Maria Paz  http://mariacarolinapazocando.blogspot.com/
Marysabel Nava http://marysabelnava.blogspot.com/
Andrea Chirinos http://andreaschs.blogspot.com/
Harold Nieles http://haroldnielesd.blogspot.com/
andrea cohen http://andreacohen08.bl0ogspot.com/
Alejandra Pérez http://acperezs.blogspot.com/
Mariolga Yagüa http://paiio23.blogspot.com/
Jose Fuenmayor http://jfuenmayor182.blogspot.com/
Emiralys Gutiérrez http://emiralysgutierrez.blogspot.com/
Bàrbara Orán  http://barbaralovesstyles.blogspot.com/
kevin Gonzalez http://kevingonzalez7.blogspot.com/
Leidimar Ramos http://leidimarramos.blogspot.com/
Mariangel Arteaga http://mariangelarteaga.blogspot.com/
Juan Alvarez http://juan-ap.blogspot.com/
Rossalen Reyes http://rossalenreyes.blogspot.com

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Unit 2: Nationalities, Countries, Cities and Lenguages.

1. What's your first name?
A: My name is Juan.

2. What's your last name?
A: My last name is Alvarez.

3. Where are you from?
A: I'm from Venezuela.

4. Where are you from originally? (city)
A: I'm from Maracaibo, Venezuela originally.

5. What's your nationality?
A: I'm Venezuela.

6. What's lenguage do you speak?
A: Well i speak spanish.

7. What's your favorite city in the world?
A: My favorite city is Paris.

8. What's your city liky?
A: Maracaibo is the capital of the Zulia state, is very influential with its gaitas, desserts, style, culture, living, and customs... Maracaibo is hotter than other Venezuela's cities,I think it is the large number of people living in it, JAJAAJ!.

Unit 1: Interview.

Interview with Alejandro Hernandez.

1. What's your frist name?
A: Alejandro.

2. What's your last name?
A: Hernandez.

3. What's your nickname? How do people call you?
A: My friends call me: Palo.

4. Whats your phone number?
A: My phone number is 0800-1110414

5. What's your e-mail address?
A: Paloah@english.com

6. Who's your favorite actor?
A: My favorite actor is Johnny Depp.

7. Who's your favorite actress?
A: My favorite actress is Drew Barrymore.

8. Who's your favorite singer?
A: My favorite singer is Don Tetto.

9. Who's your favorite athlete?
A: My favorite athlete is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira (Ronaldinho Gaúcho)